- ´72: saarland / germany
- ´92 abitur johanneum homburg/saar germany
- ´92-´99: physics, mathematics, italian at eberhard karls university tübingen
- ´99-´03: phd in astrophysics at IAAT, MPE and ESAC
current jobs and affilliations
- Head XMM-Newton & Integral Mission Operations,
European Space Agency (ESA) at the European Space Operations Centre (ESOC) Darmstadt - XMM-Newton Spacecraft Operations Manager
- SMILE ESA Ground Segment and Operations Support Manager
past jobs and affiliations
- Support Scientist (HiWi) for XMM-EPIC ground calibration, University of Tuebingen IAAT (1997-1999)
- Scientist and XMM-EPIC instrument expert, University of Tuebingen IAAT (1999-2002)
- ESA Calibration Scientist for XMM-Newton (2002-2008), European Space Astronomy Center ESAC (Madrid) (2002-2008)
- Founder member of the International Astronomical Consortium for High Energy Calibration (2006-2008 active)
- Member of the Scientific Organising Committee for the Young Scientists’ Conference, Kiev, Ukraine (2006-2010)
- Lecturer University of Wuerzburg: SATEC – MASTER’S IN SATELLITE TECHNOLOGY (2018-2023)
research interests
- observational studies of pulsars and accreting binaries
- high energy instrumentation for astronomical observatories
- calibration of X-ray detectors with high time resolution
- astrophysical spacecraft and their ground systems